Tenant, Tenant Admin, and System Admin Users

The term “user” can easily get overloaded when we’re talking about SaaS architecture. In a multi-tenant environment, we have multiple notions of what it means to be a user–each of which plays a distinct role. Figure 2-9 provides a conceptual view of the different flavors of users that you will need to support in your multi-tenant solution.

Figure 2-9. Multi-tenant user roles

On the left-hand side of the diagram, you’ll see that we have the typical tenant-related roles. There are two distinct types of roles here: tenant administrators and tenant users. A tenant administrator represents the initial user from your tenant that is onboarded to the system. This user is typically given admin privileges. This allows them to access the unique application administration functionality that is used to configure, manage, and maintain application level constructs. This includes being able to create new tenant users. A tenant user represents users that are using the application without any administrative capabilities. These users may also be assigned different application-based roles that influence their application experience.

On the right-hand side of the diagram, you’ll see that we also have system administrators. These users are connected to the SaaS provider and have access to the control plane of your environment to manage, operate, and analyze the health and activity of a SaaS environment. These admins may also have varying roles that are used to characterize their administrative privileges. Some may have full access, others may have limits on their ability to access or configure different views and settings.

You’ll notice that I’ve also shown an administration console as part of the control plane. This represents an often overlooked part of the system admin role. It’s here to highlight the need for a targeted SaaS administration console that is used to manage, configure, and operate your tenants. It is typically something your team needs to build to support the unique needs of your SaaS environment (separate from other tooling that might be used to manage the health of your system). Your system admin users will need an authentication experience to be able to access this SaaS admin console.

SaaS architects need to consider each of these roles when building out a multi-tenant environment. While the tenant roles are typically better understood, many teams invest less energy in the system admin roles. The process for introducing and managing the lifecycle of these users should be addressed as part of your overall design and implementation. You’ll want to have a repeatable, secure mechanism for managing these users.

The control plane vs. application plane debate is particularly sticky when it comes to managing users. There’s little doubt that the system admin users should be managed via the control plane. In fact, the initial diagram of the two planes shown at the outset of this chapter (Figure 2-3) actually includes an admin user management service as part of its control plane. It’s when you start discussing the placement of tenant users that things can get more fuzzy. Some would argue that the application should own the tenant user management experience and, therefore, management of these users should happen within the scope of the application plane. At the same time, our tenant onboarding process needs to be able to create the identities for these users during the onboarding process, which suggests this should remain in the control plane. You can see how this can get circular in a hurry.

My general preference here, with caveats, is that identity belongs in the control plane–especially since this is where tenant context gets connected to the user identities. This aspect of the identity would never be managed in the scope of the application plane.

A compromise can be had here by having the control plane manage the identity and authentication experience while still allowing the application to manage the non-identity attributes of the tenant outside of the identity experience. The other option here would be to have a tenant user management service in your control plane that supports any additional user management functionality that may be needed by your application.

Tenant Provisioning

So far, we’ve highlighted the role of onboarding within the control plane. We also looked at how the onboarding process may need to provision and configure application infrastructure as part of the onboarding experience. This raises an important question: should tenant provisioning live within the control plane or the application plane?

Figure 2-10 provides a conceptual view of the two options. On the left, you’ll see the model where tenant provisioning runs within the application plane. In this scenario, all the elements of onboarding (tenant creation, billing configuration, and identity setup) still happen within the scope of the control plane. The provisioning step is triggered and orchestrated by the onboarding service, but runs within the application plane.

Figure 2-10. Placing the tenant provisioning process

The alternate approach is shown on the right side of this diagram. Here, tenant provisioning is executed from within the control plane. This means that the tenant provisioning would execute infrastructure configuration scripts that are applied within the application plane. This puts all the moving parts of onboarding within the control plane.

The tradeoffs, to me, center around the encapsulation and abstraction of the application plane. If you believe the structure and footprint of application infrastructure should be unknown to the control plane, then you’ll favor the model on the left. If you feel strongly that onboarding is already owned by the control plane, you could argue that it’s natural for it to also own the application provisioning process.

My bias here leans toward keeping provisioning closest to the resources that are being described and configured. I’d prefer not to make updates to the control plane based on changes in the architecture of the application plane. The tradeoff here is that the control plane must support a more distributed onboarding experience and rely on messaging between the control and application planes to track the provisioning progress/status. Both models have their merits. The key here is that provisioning should be a standalone part of the onboarding experience. So, if at some point you choose to move it, it would be somewhat encapsulated and could move without significant re-think.

Integrating Control and Application Planes

Some organizations will create very specific boundaries between the control and application planes. This might be a network boundary or some other architectural construct that separates these two planes. This has advantages for some organizations in that it allows these planes to be configured, managed, and operated based on the unique needs of each plane. It also introduces opportunities to design more secure interactions between these planes.

With this in mind, we can then start to consider different approaches to integrating the control and application planes. The integration strategy you choose here will be heavily influenced by the nature of the interactions between the planes, the geographic footprint of your solution, and the security profile of your environment.

Some teams may opt for a more loosely-coupled model that is more event/message driven while others may require a more native integration that enables more direct control of the application plane resources. There are few absolutes here and there are a wide range of technologies that bring different possibilities to this discussion. The key here is to be thoughtful in picking an integration model that enables the level of control that fits the needs of your particular domain, application, and environment.


Much of the discussion here leans toward a model where the application and control planes are deployed and managed in separate infrastructure. While the merits of separating these planes is compelling, it’s important to note that there is no rule that suggests that these planes must be divided along some hard boundary. There are valid scenarios where a SaaS provider may choose to deploy the control and application planes into a shared environment. The needs of your environment, the nature of your technology, and a range of other considerations will determine how/if you deploy these planes with more concrete architectural boundaries. They key here to ensure that you divide your system into these distinct planes–regardless of how/where they are deployed.

As we dig into the specifics of the control plane, we can look at the common touch points between these two planes and get into the specific integration use cases and their potential solutions. For now, though, just know that integration is a key piece of the overall control/application plane model.

Picking Technologies for Your Planes

SaaS teams pick the technologies for implementing their SaaS solutions based on any number of different variables. Skill sets, cloud providers, domain needs, legacy considerations–these are just a few of the many parameters that go into selecting a technology for your multi-tenant SaaS offering.

Now, as we look at SaaS through the lens of our control and application planes, it’s also natural to think about how the needs of these two planes might influence your choice of technologies. If you choose an entirely container-based model for your application plane, should that mean your control plane must also be implemented with containers? The reality here is that the planes will support different needs and different consumption profiles. There is nothing that suggests that the technologies they use must somehow match.

Consider, for example, the cost and consumption profile of your control plane. Many of these services may be consumed on a more limited basis than services running in our application plane. We might favor choosing a different technology for our control plane that yields a more cost-efficient model. Some teams might choose to use serverless technologies to implement their control plane.

The decisions can also be much more granular. I might choose one technology for some types of services and different technologies for other services. The key here is that you should not assume that the profile, consumption, and performance profile of your control and application planes will be the same. As part of architecting your SaaS environment, you want to consider the technology needs of these two planes independently.

Avoiding the Absolutes

This discussion of SaaS architecture concepts devoted lots of attention to defining SaaS architecture through the lens of the control and application planes. The planes equip us with a natural way to think about the different components of a multi-tenant architecture and they give us a good mental model for thinking about how the different features of a multi-tenant architecture should land in your SaaS environment.

While these constructs are useful, I would also be careful about attaching absolutes to this model. Yes, it’s a good way to think about SaaS and it provides us with a framework for talking about how we can approach building multi-tenant solutions. It’s certainly provided me with a powerful construct for engaging teams that are trying to design and architect their SaaS systems. It has also put emphasis on the need for a set of shared services that are outside the scope of the multi-tenant architecture of your application.

The key here, though, is to use these concepts to shape how you approach your SaaS architecture, allowing for the fact that there may be nuances of your environment that may require variations in your approach. It’s less about being absolute about what’s in each plane and more about creating an architecture that creates a clear division of responsibility and aligns with the security, management, and operational profile of your SaaS offering.


This chapter was all about building a foundation of SaaS architecture concepts. We looked at the core elements of SaaS architecture with the goal of framing multi-tenant architecture patterns and strategies without getting into the specifics of any particular technology or domain. The concepts we covered here should apply to any SaaS environment and provide any team with any technology a mental model for approaching SaaS architecture.

We’ve really only touched the surface of multi-tenant architecture here. As we move forward, we’ll start mapping these concepts to concrete examples that tease out all the underlying details and add another layer of design considerations that we’ll build on the mental model that we’ve created here. This added layer of detail will start to illustrate the web of possibilities you’ll need to navigate as you consider how best to connect the needs of your SaaS business with the realities that come with realizing these principles with languages, technology stacks, and tools that bring their own set of variables to your multi-tenant equation.

Our next step is to start looking at SaaS deployment models. This will shift us from thinking about concepts to mapping these concepts to seeing those concepts landed in different patterns of deployment. The goal here is to start thinking about and bringing more clarity to the strategies that are used to support the various SaaS models that you’ll need to consider as you shape your SaaS architecture.

What’s a Deployment Model?

In Chapter 1, I spent a fair amount of time looking at how we needed to expand our definition of SaaS and multi-tenancy. This included looking at how the notion of multi-tenancy needed to embrace a broader range of architecture patterns and strategies. Now, in this chapter, we can move from the conceptual to a more concrete view of how this definition of SaaS influences the options you have when you start defining and choosing your SaaS architecture.

Here, we’ll start to identify and name specific multi-tenant architecture patterns, providing a better sense of the different high-level architecture strategies you’ll want to consider when designing your own SaaS environment. I refer to these different patterns as deployment models largely because they represent how your tenants will be deployed into the application plane of your SaaS solution. Each deployment model is meant to identify a distinct approach to defining the high-level multi-tenant architectural model that could be employed by your system.

The deployment model you select will have a significant influence on the technical and business profile of your SaaS architecture. Each deployment model comes with its own unique blend of pros and cons that you’ll need to weigh to figure out which pattern best aligns with the realities and goals of your solution. Are your tenants sharing some of their infrastructure? Are they sharing all of their infrastructure? Or, is there some mix of shared and dedicated infrastructure in your SaaS environment? What domain and compliance models will you need to support? Are you planning to offer a tiered model? Your answers to these questions (and others) will all be used as data points that will guide your selection of a deployment model. From there, you’ll see how the selection of a deployment model will have a cascading impact across all the moving parts of your multi-tenant implementation, fundamentally shaping how your solution is built, managed, operated, configured, and provisioned. Thus, the need to have a firm grasp of these models and their corresponding tradeoffs.

Let’s look at a couple of conceptual deployment models to help clarify this concept. Figure 3-1 provides examples of two sample deployment models. On the left, you’ll see a deployment model that has all of its tenant resources being shared across the compute layers of our multi-tenant environment. However, the storage resources are dedicated to individual tenants. In contrast, the right-hand side of the diagram shows another variation of a deployment model where all of a tenant’s infrastructure (compute, storage, etc.) is deployed in a dedicated model. These are just a small sample of two deployment models, but they give you a more concrete view of what we’re talking about when we’re describing the fundamental aspects of a SaaS deployment model.

Figure 3-1. Conceptual deployment models

It’s important to note that a deployment model represents a pattern that may have multiple implementations that share a common set of values and guiding principles. My goal here is to clearly identify the different categories of deployment models, acknowledging that the attributes and realities of these models will vary based on the technology stack, services, tools, and other environmental factors that are used to move from concept to implementation. Also, these models should not be viewed as being mutually exclusive. As you’ll see in the sections that follow, there can be compelling business reasons that may have teams creating solutions that rely on combinations of these models. For our discussion here, you should start by understanding the principles and value proposition of each deployment model. Then, from there, you can consider which flavors/combinations of these models best align with the requirements of your SaaS solution.

Picking a Deployment Model

Understanding the value proposition of each deployment model is helpful. However, selecting a deployment model goes beyond evaluating the characteristics of any one model. When you sit down to figure out which deployment model is going to best for your application and business, you’ll often have to weigh a wide spectrum of parameters that will inform your deployment selection process.

In some cases, the state of your current solution (if you’re migrating) might have a huge impact on the deployment model you choose. A SaaS migration can often be more about finding a target deployment model that lets you get to SaaS without rebuilding your entire solution. Time to market, competitive pressures, legacy technology considerations, and team makeup are also factors that could represent significant variables in a SaaS migration story. Each of these factors would likely shape the selection of a deployment model.

Obviously, teams that are building a new SaaS solution have more of a blank canvas to work with. Here, the deployment model that you choose is probably more driven by the target personas and experience that you’re hoping to achieve with your multi-tenant offering. The challenge here is selecting a deployment model that balances the near- and long-term goals of the business. Selecting a model that is too narrowly focused on a near-term experience could limit growth as your business hits critical mass. At the same time, over-rotating to a deployment model that reaches too far beyond the needs of current customers may represent pre-optimization. It’s certainly a tough balancing act to find the right blend of flexibility and focus here (a classic challenge for most architects and builders).

No matter where you start your path to SaaS, there are certainly some broader global factors that will influence your deployment model selection. Packaging, tiering, and pricing goals, for example, often play a key role in determining which deployment model(s) might best fit with your business goals. Cost and operational efficiency are also part of the deployment model puzzle. While every solution would like to be as cost and operationally efficient as possible, each business may be facing realities that can impact their deployment model preferences. If your business has very tight margins, you might lean more toward deployment models that squeeze every last bit of cost efficiency out of your deployment model. Others may be facing challenging compliance and/or performance considerations that might lead to deployment models that strike a balance between cost and customer demands.

These are just some simple examples that are part of the fundamental thought process you’ll go through as part of figuring out which deployment model will address the core needs of your business. As I get deeper into the details of multi-tenant architecture patterns, you’ll see more and more places where the nuances of multi-tenant architecture strategies will end up adding more dimensions to the deployment model picture. This will also give you a better sense of how the differences in these models might influence the complexity of your underlying solution. The nature of each deployment model can move the complexity from one area of our system to another.

The key here is that you should not be looking for a one-size-fits-all deployment model for your application. Instead, you should start with the needs of your domain, customers, and business and work backward to the combination of requirements that will point you toward the deployment model that fits with your current and aspirational goals.

It’s also important to note that the deployment model of your SaaS environment is expected to be evolving. Yes, you’ll likely have some core aspects of your architecture that will remain fairly constant. However, you should also expect and be looking for ways to refine your deployment model based on the changing/emerging needs of customers, shifts in the market, and new business strategies. Worry less about getting it right on day one and just expect that you’ll be using data from your environment to find opportunities to refactor your deployment model. A resource that started out as a dedicated resource, might end up switched to a shared resource based on consumption, scaling, and cost considerations. A new tier might have you offering some parts of your system in a dedicated model. Being data driven and adaptable are all part of the multi-tenant technical experience.

Introducing the Silo and Pool Models

As we look at deployment models, we’re going to discover that these models will require the introduction of new terminology that can add precision to how we characterize SaaS architecture constructs. This relates to our earlier exploration of how the term multi-tenant had to take on a broader meaning to fit the realities of SaaS businesses. Now, as we start to look at deployment models, you’ll notice that we still need terminology that can better capture and accurately convey how the resources in our architecture are consumed by tenants.

There are two terms that I’m going to introduce here to give us a more granular way to think about classifying dedicated and shared resources. Across the rest of this book, you’ll see that I will use the term silo to refer to any model where a resource is dedicated to a given tenant. I’ll use the term pool to reference any model where a tenant resource is shared by one or more tenants.

This may seem like a subtle nuance in language. In reality, it has significant implications on how we describe multi-tenant architecture. It allows us to describe the behavior and scope of our SaaS architecture resources without the ambiguity and legacy baggage that comes with labeling resources a multi-tenant. As we look more at deployment models and the full range of SaaS architecture concepts that span this book, I will be using silo and pool as the foundational terms that characterize the usage, isolation, deployment, and consumption of the resources in our multi-tenant architecture.

To help crystallize this concept, let’s look at a conceptual architecture that includes resources that are being consumed in a combination of dedicated and shared models. Figure 3-2 provides a view of a series of microservices that have been deployed into a SaaS architecture. In this image, I’ve created a hypothetical environment where we have a series of microservices that are using different strategies for dedicating and sharing tenant resources.

Figure 3-2. Silo and pooled resource models

At the top of the diagram, you’ll see that I’ve put two tenants here to illustrate how the tenants in our environment are landing in and consuming resources. These tenants are running an ecommerce application that is implemented via Product, Order, and Invoice microservices. Now, if we follow a path through these microservices from left to right, you’ll see how we’ve applied different deployment strategies for each of these microservices.

Let’s start with the Product microservice. Here, I’ve chosen a strategy where the compute and the storage for all of our tenants will be deployed in a pooled model. For this scenario, I have decided that the isolation and performance profile of this service fits best with the values of a pooled approach. As we move to the Order microservice, you’ll see that I’ve chosen a very different model here. In this case, the service has siloed compute and storage for every tenant. Again, this was done based on the specific needs of my environment. This could have been driven by some SLA requirement or, perhaps, a compliance need.

From the Order service, you’ll then see that our system sends a message to a queue that prepares these orders for billing. This scenario is included to highlight the fact that our siloed and pooled concepts are extended beyond our microservices and applied to any resource that might be part of our environment. For this solution, I’ve opted to have a siloed queues for each tenant. Finally, I have an Invoice service on the right-hand side that pulls messages from these queues and generates invoices. To meet the requirements of our solution, I’ve used a mix of siloed and pooled models in this microservice. Here, the compute is pooled and the storage is siloed.

The key takeaway here is that the terms silo and pool are used to generally characterize the architecture footprint of one or more resources. These terms can be applied in a very granular fashion, highlighting how tenancy is mapped to very specific elements of your architecture. These same terms can also be used more broadly to describe how a collection of resources are deployed for a tenant. So, don’t try to map silo and pool to specific constructs. Instead, think of them as describing the tenancy of a single resource or a group of resources.

This caveat will be especially important as we look at deployment models throughout this chapter, allowing us to apply to silo and pool concepts and varying scopes across our multi-tenant architecture.

Full Stack Silo Deployment

Now that youhave a high-level sense of the scope and role of deployment models, it’s time to dig in a bit more and start looking at defining specific types of deployment models. Let’s start by looking at what I’ll label as a full stack silo deployment model.

As its name suggests, the full stack silo model places each tenant into a fully siloed environment where all of the resources of a tenant are completely siloed. The diagram in Figure 3-3 provides an example of a full stack silo environment. Here you’ll see that we have an environment where our application plane is running workloads for two tenants. These two tenants are running in siloes where the compute, storage, and every resource that’s needed for the tenant is deployed into some logical construct that creates a clear boundary between our tenants.

Figure 3-3. Full stack silo deployment model

In this particular example, I simplified the contents of the slilo, showing a range of microservices that are running in each tenant environment. In reality, what’s in the silo and how your application is represented could be represented by any number of different technologies and design strategies. This could have been an n-tier environment with separate web, application, and storage tiers. I could have included any number of different compute models and other services here as well (queues, object storage, messaging, and so on). The emphasis, at this stage, is less about what’s in each of these tenant environments and more on the nature of how they are deployed.

Where Full Stack Silo Fits

The full stack silo model can feel like a bit of a SaaS anti-pattern. After all, so much of our discussion of SaaS is centered around agility and efficiency. Here, where we have fully siloed tenant resources, it can appear as though we’ve compromised on some of the fundamental goals of SaaS. However, if you think back to the definition of SaaS in Chapter 1, you’ll recall that SaaS isn’t exclusively about sharing infrastructure for economies of scale. SaaS is about operating in a model where all of our tenants are operated, managed, and deployed collectively. This is the key thing to keep in mind when you’re looking at the full stack silo model. Yes, it has efficiency challenges. We’ll get into those. At the same time, as long as every one of these environments is the same and as long as these are running the same version of our application, then we can still realize much of the value proposition of SaaS.

So, knowing that full stack silo meets our criteria for SaaS, the real question here is more about when it might make sense for you to employ this model. Which factors typically steer organizations toward a full stack silo experience? When might it be a fit for the business and technology realities of your environment? While, there are no absolutes here, there are common themes and environmental factors that have teams selecting the full stack silo model. Compliance and legacy considerations are two of the typical reasons teams will end up opting for full stack silo footprint. In some heavily regulated domains, teams may choose a full stack silo model to simplify their architecture and make it easier for them to address specific compliance criteria. Customers in these domains might also have some influence on the adoption of a full stack silo, insisting on having siloed resources as part of selecting a SaaS solution.

The full stack silo model can also represent a good fit for organizations that are migrating a legacy solution to SaaS. The fully siloed nature of this model allows these organizations to move their existing code into a SaaS model without major refactoring. This gets them to SaaS faster and reduces their need to more immediately take on adding tenancy to all the moving parts of their architecture. Migrating teams will still be required to retrofit your legacy environment to align with the SaaS control plane, its identity model, and a host of other multi-tenant considerations. However, the scope and reach of these impacts can be less pronounced if your solution is moving into a full stack silo environment that doesn’t need to consider scenarios where any of a tenant’s resources are pooled.

Full stack silo can also be a tiering strategy. For example, some organizations may offer a premium version of their solution that, for the right price, will offer tenants a fully dedicated experience. It’s important to note that this dedicated experience is not created as a one-off environment for these tenants. It’s still running the same version of the application and is centrally managed alongside all the other tiers of the system.

In some cases, the full stack model simply represents a lower barrier of entry for teams–especially those that may not be targeting a large number of tenants. For these organizations, full stack silo allows them to get to SaaS without tackling some of the added complexities that come with building, isolating, and operating a pooled environment. Of course, these teams also have to consider how adoption of a full stack silo model might impact their ability to rapidly scale the business. In this case, the advantages of starting with a full stack could be offset by the inefficiencies and margin impacts of being in a full stack silo model.

Full Stack Silo Considerations

Teams that opt for a full stack silo model, will need to consider some of the nuances that come with this model. There are definitely pros and cons to this approach that you’ll want to add to your mental model when selecting this deployment model. The sections that follow provide a breakdown of some of the key design, build, and deployment considerations that are associated with the full stack silo deployment model.

Control Plane Complexity

As you may recall, I have described all SaaS architectures as having control and application planes where our tenant environments live in the application plane and are centrally managed by the control plane. Now, with the full stack silo model, you have to consider how the distributed nature of the full stack model will influence the complexity of your control plane.

In Figure 3-4, you can see an example of a full stack silo deployment that highlights some of the elements that come with building and managing this model. Since our solution is running in a silo per tenant model, the application plane must support completely separate environments for each tenant. Instead of interacting with a single, shared resource, our control plane must have some awareness of each of these tenant siloes. This inherently adds complexity to our control plane, which now must be able to operate each of these separate environments.

Figure 3-4. Managing and operating a full stack silo

Imagine implementing tenant onboarding in this example. The addition of each new tenant to this environment must fully provision and configure each siloed tenant environment. This also complicates any tooling that may need to monitor and manage the health of tenant environments. Your control plane code must know where each tenant environment can be found and be authorized to access each tenant silo. Any operational tooling that you have that is used to manage infrastructure resources will also need to deal with the larger, more distributed footprint of these tenant environments, which could make troubleshooting and managing infrastructure resources more unwieldy. Any tooling you’ve created to centralized metrics, logs, and analytics for your tenants will also need to be able to aggregate the data from these separate tenant environments. Deployment of application updates is also more complicated in this model. Your DevOps code will have to roll out updates to each tenant silo.

There are likely more complexities to cover here. However, the theme is that the distributed nature of the full stack silo model touches many of the moving parts of your control plane experience, adding complexity that may not be as pronounced in other deployment models. While the challenges here are all manageable, it definitely will take extra effort to create a fully unified view of management and operations for any full stack silo environment.

Scaling Impacts

Scale is another important consideration for the full stack silo deployment model. Whenever you’re provisioning separate infrastructure for each tenant, you need to think about how this model will scale as you add more tenants. While the full stack silo model can be appealing when you have 10 tenants, its value can begin to erode as you consider supporting hundreds or thousands of tenants. The full stack silo model, for example, would not be sustainable in many classic BC2 environments where the scale and number of tenants would be massive. Naturally, the nature of your architecture would also have some influence on this. If you’re running Kubernetes, for example, it might come down to how effectively the silo constructs of Kubernetes would scale here (clusters, namespaces, etc.). If you’re using separate cloud networking or account constructs for each siloed tenant, you’d have to consider any limits and constraints that might be applied by your cloud provider.

The broader theme here is that full stack siloed deployments are not for everyone. As I get into specific full stack silo architectures, you’ll see how this model can run into important scaling limits. More importantly, even if your environment can scale in a full stack silo model, you may find that there’s a point at which the full stack silo can become difficult to manage. This could undermine your broader agility and innovation goals.

Cost Considerations

Costs are also a key area to explore if you’re looking at using a full stack silo model. While there are measures you can take to limit over-provisioning of siloed environments, this model does put limits on your ability to maximize the economies of scale of your SaaS environment. Typically, these environments will require lots of dedicated infrastructure to support each tenant and, in some cases, this infrastructure may not have an idle state where it’s not incurring costs. For each tenant, then, you will have some baseline set of costs for tenants that you’ll incur–even if there is no load on the system. Also, because these environments aren’t shared, we don’t get the efficiencies that would come with distributing the load of many tenants across shared infrastructure that scales based on the load of all tenants. Compute, for example, can scale dynamically in a silo, but it will only do so based on the load and activity of a single tenant. This may lead to some over-provisioning within each silo to prepare for the spikes that may come from individual tenants.

Generally, organizations offering full stack siloed models are required to create cost models that help overcome the added infrastructure costs that come with this model. That can be a mix of consumption and some additional fixed fees. It could just be a higher subscription price. The key here is that, while the full stack silo may be the right fit for some tiers or business scenarios, you’ll still need to consider how the siloed nature of this model will influence the pricing model of your SaaS environment.

As part of the cost formulas, we must also consider how the full stack silo model impacts the operational efficiency of your organization. If you’ve built a robust control plane and you’ve automated all the bits of your onboarding, deployment, and so on, you can still surround your full stack silo model with a rich operational experience. However, there is some inherent complexity that comes with this model that will likely add some overhead to your operational experience. This might mean that you will be required to invest more in the staff and tooling that’s needed to support this model, which will add additional costs to your SaaS business.