Monthly Archives:March 2022

Full Stack Pool Considerations

The full stack pool model also comes with a set of considerations that might influence how/if you choose to adopt this model. In many respects, the considerations for the full stack pool model are the natural inverse of the full stack silo model. Full stack pool certainly has strengths that are appealing to many SaaS providers. It also presents a set of challenges that come with having shared infrastructure. The sections that follow highlight these considerations.


Our goal in multi-tenant environments is to do everything we can to align infrastructure consumption with tenant activity. In an ideal scenario, your system would, at a given moment in time, only have enough resources allocated to accommodate the current load being imposed by tenants. There would be zero over-provisioned resources. This would let the business optimize margins and ensure that the addition of new tenants would not drive a spike in costs that could undermine the bottom line of the business.

This is the dream of the full stack pooled model. If your design was somehow able to fully optimize the scaling policies of your underlying infrastructure in a full stack pool, you would have achieved multi-tenant nirvana. This is not practical or realistic, but it is the mindset that often surrounds the full stack pooled model. The reality, however, is that creating a solid scaling strategy for a full stack pooled environment is very challenging. The loads of tenants are often constantly changing and new tenants may be arriving every day. So, the scaling strategy that worked yesterday, may not work today. What typically happens here is teams will accept some degree of over-provisioning to account for this continually shifting target.

The technology stack you choose here can also have a significant impact on the scaling dynamics of your full stack pool environment. In Chapter 12 we’ll look at a serverless SaaS architecture and get a closer look at how using serverless technologies can simplify your scale story and achieve better alignment between infrastructure consumption and tenant activity.

The key theme here is that, while there are significant scaling advantages to be had in a full stack pooled model, the effort to make this scaling a reality can be challenging to fully realize. You’ll definitely need to work hard to craft a scaling strategy that can optimize resource utilization without impacting tenant experience.


In a full stack siloed model, isolation is a very straightforward process. When resources run in a dedicated model, you have a natural set of constructs that allow you to ensure that one tenant cannot access the resources of another tenant. However, when you start using pooled resources, your isolation story tends to get more complicated. How do you isolate a resource that is shared by multiple tenants? How is isolation realized and applied across all the different resource types and infrastructure services that are part of your multi-tenant architecture? In Chapter 10, we’ll dig into the strategies that are used to address these isolation nuances. However, it’s important to note that, as part of adopting a full stack pool model, you will be faced with a range of new isolation considerations that may influence your design and architecture. The assumption here is that the economies of scale and efficiencies of the pooled model offset any of the added overhead and complexity associated with isolating pooled resources.

Availability and Blast Radius

In many respects, a full stack pool model represents an all-in commitment to a model that places all the tenants of your business into a shared experience. Any outage or issues that were to show up in a full stack pool environment are likely to impact all of your customers and could potentially damage the reputation of your SaaS business. There are examples across the industry of SaaS organizations that have had service outages that created a flurry of social media outcry and negative press that had a lasting impact on these businesses.

As you consider adopting a full-stack pool model, you need to understand that you’re committing to a higher DevOps, testing, and availability bar that makes every effort to ensure that your system can prevent, detect, and rapidly recover from any potential outage. It’s true that every team should have a high bar for availability. However, the risk and impact of any outage in a full stack pool environment demands a greater focus on ensuring that your team can deliver a zero downtime experience. This includes adopting best-of-breed CI/CD strategies that allow you to release and rollback new features on a regular basis without impacting the stability of your solution.

Generally, you’ll see full stack pool teams leaning into fault tolerant strategies that allow their microservices and components to limit the blast radius of localized issues. Here, you’ll see greater application of asynchronous interactions between services, fallback strategies, and bulkhead patterns being used to localize and manage potential microservice outages. Operational tooling that can proactively identify and apply policies here is also essential in a full stack pool environment.

It’s worth noting that these strategies apply to any and all SaaS deployment models. However, the impact of getting this wrong in a full stack pool environment can be much more significant for a SaaS business.

Noisy Neighbor

Full stack pooled environments rely on carefully orchestrated scaling policies that ensure that your system will effectively add and remove capacity based on the consumption activity of your tenants. The shifting needs of tenants along with the potential influx of new tenants means that the scaling policies you have today may not apply tomorrow. While teams can take measures to try and anticipate these tenant activity trends, many teams find themselves over-provisioning resources that create the cushion needed to handle the spikes that may not be effectively addressed through your scaling strategies.

Every multi-tenant system must employ strategies that will allow them to anticipate spikes and address what is referred to as noisy neighbor conditions. However, noisy neighbor takes on added weight in full stack pooled environments. Here, where essentially everything is shared, the potential for noisy neighbor conditions is much higher. You must be especially careful with the sizing and scaling profile of your resources since everything must be able to react successfully to shifts in tenant consumption activity. This means accounting for and building defensive tactics to ensure that one tenant isn’t saturating your system and impacting the experience of other tenants.

Cost Attribution

Associating and tracking costs at the tenant level is a much more challenging proposition in a full stack pooled environment. While many environments give you tools to map tenants to specific infrastructure resources, they don’t typically support mechanisms that allow you to attribute consumption to the individual tenants that are consuming a shared resource. For example, if three tenants are consuming a compute resource in a multi-tenant setting, I won’t typically have access to tools or mechanisms that would let me determine what percentage of that resource was consumed by each tenant at a given moment in time. We’ll get into this challenge in more detail in Chapter 14. The main point here is that, with the efficiency of a full stack pooled model also comes new challenges around understanding the cost footprint of individual tenants.

Operational Simplification

I’ve talked about this need for a single pane of glass that provides a unified operational and management view of your multi-tenant environment. Building this operational experience requires teams to ingest metrics, logs, and other data that can be surfaced in this centralized experience. Creating these operational experiences in a full stack pooled environment tends to be a simpler experience. Here, where all tenants are running in shared infrastructure, I can more easily assemble an aggregate view of my multi-tenant environment. There’s no need to connect with one-off tenant infrastructure and create paths for each of those tenant-specific resources to publish data to some aggregation mechanism. Deployment is also simpler in the full stack pooled environment. Releasing a new version of a microservice simply means deploying one instance of that service to the pooled environment. Once it’s deployed all tenants are now running on the new version.