Monthly Archives:November 2022

Routing Considerations

In Figure 3-4, I also included a conceptual placeholder for the routing of traffic within our application plane. With a full stack silo, you’ll need to consider how the traffic will be routed to each silo based on tenant context. While there are any number of different networking constructs that we can use here to route this load, you’ll still need to consider how this will be configured. Are you using subdomains for each tenant? Will you have a shared domain with the tenant context embedded in each request? Each strategy you choose here will require some way for your system to extract that context and route your tenants to the appropriate silo.

The configuration of this routing construct must be entirely dynamic. As each new tenant is onboarded to your system, you’ll need to update the routing configuration to support routing this new tenant to its corresponding silo. None of this is wildly hard, but you’ll see that this is an area that will need careful consideration as you design your full stack siloed environment. Each technology stack will bring its own set of considerations to the routing problem.

Availability and Blast Radius

The full stack silo model does offer some advantages when it comes to the overall availability and durability of your solution. Here, with each tenant in its own environment, there is potential to limit the blast radius of any potential operational issue. The dedicated nature of the silo model gives you the opportunity to contain some issues to individual tenant environments. This can certainly have an overall positive effect on the availability profiles of your service.

Rolling out new releases also behaves a bit differently in siloed environments. Instead of having your release pushed to all customers at the same time, the full stack silo model may release to customers in waves. This can allow you to detect and recover from issues related to a deployment before it is released to the entire population. It, of course, also complicates the availability profile. Having to deploy to each silo separately requires you to have a more complicated rollout process that can, in some cases, undermine the availability of your solution.

Simpler Cost Attribution

One significant upside to the full stack silo model is its ability to attribute costs to individual tenants. Calculating cost-per-tenant for multi-tenant environments, as you’ll see in Chapter 14, can be tricky in SaaS environments where some or all of a tenant’s resources may be shared. Knowing just how much of a shared database or compute resource was consumed by a given tenant is not so easy to infer in pooled environments. However, in a full stack silo model, you won’t face these complexities. Since each tenant has its own dedicated infrastructure, it becomes relatively easy to aggregate and map costs to individual tenants. Cloud providers and third-party tools are generally good at mapping costs to individual infrastructure resources and calculating a cost for each tenant.