Monthly Archives:January 2024

What’s a Deployment Model?

In Chapter 1, I spent a fair amount of time looking at how we needed to expand our definition of SaaS and multi-tenancy. This included looking at how the notion of multi-tenancy needed to embrace a broader range of architecture patterns and strategies. Now, in this chapter, we can move from the conceptual to a more concrete view of how this definition of SaaS influences the options you have when you start defining and choosing your SaaS architecture.

Here, we’ll start to identify and name specific multi-tenant architecture patterns, providing a better sense of the different high-level architecture strategies you’ll want to consider when designing your own SaaS environment. I refer to these different patterns as deployment models largely because they represent how your tenants will be deployed into the application plane of your SaaS solution. Each deployment model is meant to identify a distinct approach to defining the high-level multi-tenant architectural model that could be employed by your system.

The deployment model you select will have a significant influence on the technical and business profile of your SaaS architecture. Each deployment model comes with its own unique blend of pros and cons that you’ll need to weigh to figure out which pattern best aligns with the realities and goals of your solution. Are your tenants sharing some of their infrastructure? Are they sharing all of their infrastructure? Or, is there some mix of shared and dedicated infrastructure in your SaaS environment? What domain and compliance models will you need to support? Are you planning to offer a tiered model? Your answers to these questions (and others) will all be used as data points that will guide your selection of a deployment model. From there, you’ll see how the selection of a deployment model will have a cascading impact across all the moving parts of your multi-tenant implementation, fundamentally shaping how your solution is built, managed, operated, configured, and provisioned. Thus, the need to have a firm grasp of these models and their corresponding tradeoffs.

Let’s look at a couple of conceptual deployment models to help clarify this concept. Figure 3-1 provides examples of two sample deployment models. On the left, you’ll see a deployment model that has all of its tenant resources being shared across the compute layers of our multi-tenant environment. However, the storage resources are dedicated to individual tenants. In contrast, the right-hand side of the diagram shows another variation of a deployment model where all of a tenant’s infrastructure (compute, storage, etc.) is deployed in a dedicated model. These are just a small sample of two deployment models, but they give you a more concrete view of what we’re talking about when we’re describing the fundamental aspects of a SaaS deployment model.

Figure 3-1. Conceptual deployment models

It’s important to note that a deployment model represents a pattern that may have multiple implementations that share a common set of values and guiding principles. My goal here is to clearly identify the different categories of deployment models, acknowledging that the attributes and realities of these models will vary based on the technology stack, services, tools, and other environmental factors that are used to move from concept to implementation. Also, these models should not be viewed as being mutually exclusive. As you’ll see in the sections that follow, there can be compelling business reasons that may have teams creating solutions that rely on combinations of these models. For our discussion here, you should start by understanding the principles and value proposition of each deployment model. Then, from there, you can consider which flavors/combinations of these models best align with the requirements of your SaaS solution.