Monthly Archives:March 2024

Picking Technologies for Your Planes

SaaS teams pick the technologies for implementing their SaaS solutions based on any number of different variables. Skill sets, cloud providers, domain needs, legacy considerations–these are just a few of the many parameters that go into selecting a technology for your multi-tenant SaaS offering.

Now, as we look at SaaS through the lens of our control and application planes, it’s also natural to think about how the needs of these two planes might influence your choice of technologies. If you choose an entirely container-based model for your application plane, should that mean your control plane must also be implemented with containers? The reality here is that the planes will support different needs and different consumption profiles. There is nothing that suggests that the technologies they use must somehow match.

Consider, for example, the cost and consumption profile of your control plane. Many of these services may be consumed on a more limited basis than services running in our application plane. We might favor choosing a different technology for our control plane that yields a more cost-efficient model. Some teams might choose to use serverless technologies to implement their control plane.

The decisions can also be much more granular. I might choose one technology for some types of services and different technologies for other services. The key here is that you should not assume that the profile, consumption, and performance profile of your control and application planes will be the same. As part of architecting your SaaS environment, you want to consider the technology needs of these two planes independently.

Avoiding the Absolutes

This discussion of SaaS architecture concepts devoted lots of attention to defining SaaS architecture through the lens of the control and application planes. The planes equip us with a natural way to think about the different components of a multi-tenant architecture and they give us a good mental model for thinking about how the different features of a multi-tenant architecture should land in your SaaS environment.

While these constructs are useful, I would also be careful about attaching absolutes to this model. Yes, it’s a good way to think about SaaS and it provides us with a framework for talking about how we can approach building multi-tenant solutions. It’s certainly provided me with a powerful construct for engaging teams that are trying to design and architect their SaaS systems. It has also put emphasis on the need for a set of shared services that are outside the scope of the multi-tenant architecture of your application.

The key here, though, is to use these concepts to shape how you approach your SaaS architecture, allowing for the fact that there may be nuances of your environment that may require variations in your approach. It’s less about being absolute about what’s in each plane and more about creating an architecture that creates a clear division of responsibility and aligns with the security, management, and operational profile of your SaaS offering.


This chapter was all about building a foundation of SaaS architecture concepts. We looked at the core elements of SaaS architecture with the goal of framing multi-tenant architecture patterns and strategies without getting into the specifics of any particular technology or domain. The concepts we covered here should apply to any SaaS environment and provide any team with any technology a mental model for approaching SaaS architecture.

We’ve really only touched the surface of multi-tenant architecture here. As we move forward, we’ll start mapping these concepts to concrete examples that tease out all the underlying details and add another layer of design considerations that we’ll build on the mental model that we’ve created here. This added layer of detail will start to illustrate the web of possibilities you’ll need to navigate as you consider how best to connect the needs of your SaaS business with the realities that come with realizing these principles with languages, technology stacks, and tools that bring their own set of variables to your multi-tenant equation.

Our next step is to start looking at SaaS deployment models. This will shift us from thinking about concepts to mapping these concepts to seeing those concepts landed in different patterns of deployment. The goal here is to start thinking about and bringing more clarity to the strategies that are used to support the various SaaS models that you’ll need to consider as you shape your SaaS architecture.