Routing Considerations

In Figure 3-4, I also included a conceptual placeholder for the routing of traffic within our application plane. With a full stack silo, you’ll need to consider how the traffic will be routed to each silo based on tenant context. While there are any number of different networking constructs that we can use here to route this load, you’ll still need to consider how this will be configured. Are you using subdomains for each tenant? Will you have a shared domain with the tenant context embedded in each request? Each strategy you choose here will require some way for your system to extract that context and route your tenants to the appropriate silo.

The configuration of this routing construct must be entirely dynamic. As each new tenant is onboarded to your system, you’ll need to update the routing configuration to support routing this new tenant to its corresponding silo. None of this is wildly hard, but you’ll see that this is an area that will need careful consideration as you design your full stack siloed environment. Each technology stack will bring its own set of considerations to the routing problem.

Availability and Blast Radius

The full stack silo model does offer some advantages when it comes to the overall availability and durability of your solution. Here, with each tenant in its own environment, there is potential to limit the blast radius of any potential operational issue. The dedicated nature of the silo model gives you the opportunity to contain some issues to individual tenant environments. This can certainly have an overall positive effect on the availability profiles of your service.

Rolling out new releases also behaves a bit differently in siloed environments. Instead of having your release pushed to all customers at the same time, the full stack silo model may release to customers in waves. This can allow you to detect and recover from issues related to a deployment before it is released to the entire population. It, of course, also complicates the availability profile. Having to deploy to each silo separately requires you to have a more complicated rollout process that can, in some cases, undermine the availability of your solution.

Simpler Cost Attribution

One significant upside to the full stack silo model is its ability to attribute costs to individual tenants. Calculating cost-per-tenant for multi-tenant environments, as you’ll see in Chapter 14, can be tricky in SaaS environments where some or all of a tenant’s resources may be shared. Knowing just how much of a shared database or compute resource was consumed by a given tenant is not so easy to infer in pooled environments. However, in a full stack silo model, you won’t face these complexities. Since each tenant has its own dedicated infrastructure, it becomes relatively easy to aggregate and map costs to individual tenants. Cloud providers and third-party tools are generally good at mapping costs to individual infrastructure resources and calculating a cost for each tenant.

The VPC-Per-Tenant Model

The account-per-tenant model relies on a pretty coarse-grained boundary. Let’s shift our focus to constructs that realize a full stack silo within the scope of a single account. This will allow us to overcome some of the challenges of creating accounts for individual tenants. The model we’ll look at now, the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)-Per-Tenant Model, is one that relies more on networking constructs to house the infrastructure that belongs to each of our siloed tenants.

Within most cloud environments you’re given access to a fairly rich collection of virtualized networking constructs that can be used to construct, control, and secure the footprint of your application environments. These networking constructs provide natural mechanisms for implementing a full stack siloed implementation. The very nature of networks and their ability to describe and control access to their resources provides SaaS builders with a powerful collection of tools that can be used to silo tenant resources.

Let’s look at an example of how a sample networking construct can be used to realize a full stack silo model. Figure 3-6 provides a look at a sample network environment that uses Amazon’s VPC to silo tenant environments.

Figure 3-6. The VPC-per-tenant full stack silo model

At first glance, there appears to be a fair amount of moving parts in this diagram. While it’s a tad busy, I wanted to bring in enough of the networking infrastructure to give you a better sense of the elements that are part of this model.

You’ll notice that, at the top of this image, we have two tenants. These tenants are accessing siloed application services that are running in separate VPCs. The VPC is the green box that is at the outer edge of our tenant environments. I also wanted to illustrate the high availability footprint of our VPC by having it include two separate availability zones (AZs). We won’t get into AZs, but just know that AZs represent distinct locations within an AWS Region that are engineered to be isolated from failures in other AZs. We also have separate subnets here to separate the public and private subnets of our solution. Finally, you’ll see the application services of our solution deployed into private subnets of our two AZs. These are surrounded by what AWS labels as an Auto Scaling Group, which allows our services to dynamically scale based on tenant load.

I’ve included all these network details to highlight the idea that we’re running our tenants in the network siloes that offer each of our tenants a very isolated and resilient networking environment that leans on all the virtualized networking goodness that comes with building and deploying your solution in a VPC-pert-tenant siloed model.

While this model may seem less rigid than the account-per-tenant model, it actually provides you with a solid set of constructs for preventing any cross-tenant access. You can imagine how, as part of their very nature, these networking tools allow you to create very carefully controlled ingress and egress for your tenant environments. We won’t get into the specifics, but the list of access and flow control mechanisms that are available here is extensive. More details can be found here.

Another model that shows up here, occasionally, is the subnet-per-tenant model. While I rarely see this model, there are some instances where teams will put each tenant silo in a given subnet. This, of course, can also become unwieldy and difficult to manage as you scale.

Onboarding Automation

With the account-per-tenant model, I dug into some of the challenges that it could create as part of automating your onboarding experience. With the VPC-per-tenant model, the onboarding experience changes some. The good news here is that, since you’re not provisioning individual accounts, you won’t run into the same account limits automation issues. Instead, the assumption is that the single account that is running our VPCs will be sized to handle the addition of new tenants. This may still require some specialized processes, but they can be applied outside the scope of onboarding.

In the VPC-per-tenant model, our focus is more on provisioning your VPC constructs and deploying your application services. That will likely still be a heavy process, but most of what you need to create and configure can be achieved through a fully automated process.

Scaling Considerations

As with accounts, VPCs also face some scaling considerations. Just as there are limits on the number of accounts you can have, there can also be limits on the number of VPCs that you can have. The management and operation of VPCs can also get complicated as you begin to scale this model. Having tenant infrastructure sprawling across hundreds of VPCs may impact the agility and efficiency of your SaaS experience. So, while VPC has some upsides, you’ll want to think about how many tenants you’ll be supporting and how/if the VPC-per-tenant model is practical for your environment.

If your code needs to access any resources that are outside of your account, this can also introduce new challenges. Any externally accessed resource would need to be running within the scope of some other account. And, as a rule of thumb, accounts have very intentional and hard boundaries to secure the resources in each account. So, then, you’d have to wander into the universe of authorizing cross-account access to enable your system to interact with any resource that lives outside of a tenant account.

Generally, I would stick with the assumption that, in a full stack silo model, your goal is to have all tenant’s resources in the same account. Then, only when there’s a compelling reason that still meets the spirit of your full stack silo, consider how/if you might support any centralized resources.

Onboarding Automation

The account-per-tenant silo model adds some additional twists to the onboarding of new tenants. As each new tenant is onboarded (as we’ll see in Chapter 4), you will have to consider how you’ll automate all the provisioning and configuration that comes with introducing a new tenant. For the account-per-tenant model, our provisioning goes beyond the creation of tenant infrastructure–it also includes the creation of new accounts.

While there are definitely ways to automate the creation of accounts, there are aspects of the account creation that can’t always be fully automated. In cloud environments, however, there are some intentional constraints here that may restrict your ability to automate the configuration or provisioning of resources that may exceed the default limits for those resources. For example, your system may rely on a certain number of load balancers for each new tenant account. However, the number you require for each tenant may exceed the default limits of your cloud provider. Now, you’ll need to go through the processes, some of which may not be automated, to increase the limits to meet the requirements of each new tenant account. This is where your onboarding process may not be able to fully automate every step in a tenant onboarding. Instead, you may need to absorb some of the friction that comes with using the processes that are supported by your cloud provider.

While teams do their best to create clear mechanisms to create each new tenant account, you may just need to allow for the fact that, as part of adopting an account-per-tenant model, you’ll need to consider how these potential limit issues might influence your onboarding experience. This might mean creating different expectations around onboarding SLAs and better managing tenant expectations around this process.

Scaling Consideration

I’ve already highlighted some of the scaling challenges that are typically associated with the full stack silo model. However, with the account-per-tenant model, there’s another layer to the full stack silo scaling story.

Generally speaking, mapping accounts to tenants could be viewed as a bit of an anti-pattern. Accounts, for many cloud providers, were not necessarily intended to be used as the home for tenants in multi-tenant SaaS environments. Instead, SaaS providers just gravitated toward them because they seemed to align well with their goals. And, to a degree, this makes perfect sense.

Now, if you have an environment with 10s of tenants, you may not feel much of the pain as part of your account-per-tenant model. However, if you have plans to scale to a large number of tenants, this is where you may begin to hit a wall with the account-per-tenant model. The most basic issue you can face here is that you may exceed the maximum number of accounts supported by your cloud provider. The more subtle challenge here shows up over time. The proliferation of accounts can end up undermining the agility and efficiency of your SaaS business. Imagine having hundreds or thousands of tenants running in this model. This will translate into a massive footprint of infrastructure that you’ll need to manage. While you can take measures to try to streamline and automate your management and operation of all these accounts, there could be points at which this may no longer be practical.

So, where is the point of no return? I can’t say there’s an absolute data point at which the diminishing returns kicks in. So much depends on the nature of your tenant infrastructure footprint. I mention this mostly to ensure that you’re factoring this into your thinking when you take on an account-per-tenant model.

Within each account, you’ll see examples of the infrastructure and services that might be deployed to support the needs of your SaaS application. There are placeholders here to represent the services that support the functionality of your solution. To the right of these services, I also included some additional infrastructure resources that are used within our tenant environments. Specifically, I put an object store (Amazon Simple Storage Service) and a managed queue service (Amazon’s Simple Queue Services). The object store might hold some global assets and the queue is here to support asynchronous messaging between our services. I included these to drive home the point that our account-per-tenant silo model will typically encapsulate all of the infrastructure that is needed to support the needs of a given tenant.

Now, the question is: does this model mean that infrastructure resources cannot be shared between our tenant accounts? For example, could these two tenants be running all of their microservices in separate accounts and share access to a centralized identity provider? This wouldn’t exactly be unnatural. The choices you make here are more driven by a combination of business/tenant requirements as well as the complexities associated with accessing resources that are outside the scope of a given account.

Let’s be clear. full stack silo, I’m still saying that the application functionality of your solution is running completely in its own account. The only area here where we might allow something to be outside of the account is when it plays some more global role in our system. Here, let’s imagine the object store represented a globally managed construct that held information that was centrally managed for all tenants. In some cases, you may find one-off reasons to have some bits of your infrastructure running in some shared model. However, anything that is shared cannot have an impact on the performance, compliance, and isolation requirements of our full stack silo experience. Essentially, if you create some centralized, shared resource that impacts the rationale for adopting a full stack silo model, then you’ve probably violated the spirit of using this model.

The choices you make here should start with assessing the intent of your full stack silo model. Did you choose this model based on an expectation that customers would want all of their infrastructure to be completely separated from other tenants? Or, was it more based on a desire to avoid noisy neighbor and data isolation requirements? Your answers to these questions will have a significant influence on how you choose to share parts of your infrastructure in this model.

Full Stack Silo in Action

Now that we have a good sense of the full stack silo model, let’s look at some working examples of how this model is brought to life in real-world architecture. As you can imagine, there are any number of ways to implement this model across the various cloud providers, technology stacks, and so on. The nuances of each technology stack adds its own set of considerations to your design and implementation.

The technology and strategy you use to implement your full stack silo model will likely be influenced by some of the factors that were outlined above. They might also be shaped attributes of your technology stack and your domain realities.

The examples here are pulled from my experience building SaaS solutions at Amazon Web Services (AWS). While these are certainly specific to AWS, these patterns have corresponding constructs that have mappings to other cloud providers. And, in some instances, these full stack silo models could also be built in an on-premises model.

The Account Per Tenant Model

If you’re running in a cloud environment–which is where many SaaS applications often land–you’ll find that these cloud providers have some notion of an account. These accounts represent a binding between an entity (an organization or individual) and the infrastructure that they are consuming. And, while there’s a billing and security dimension to these accounts, our focus is on how these accounts are used to group infrastructure resources.

In this model, accounts are often viewed as the strictest of boundaries that can be created between tenants. This, for some, makes an account a natural home for each tenant in your full stack silo model. The account allows each silo of your tenant environments to be surrounded and protected by all the isolation mechanisms that cloud providers use to isolate their customer accounts. This limits the effort and energy you’ll have to expend to implement tenant isolation in your SaaS environment. Here, it’s almost a natural side effect of using an account-per-tenant in your full stack silo model.

Attributing infrastructure costs to individual tenants also becomes a much simpler process in an account-per-tenant model. Generally, your cloud provider already has all the built-in mechanisms needed to track costs at the account level. So, with an account-per-tenant model, you can just rely on these ready made solutions to attribute infrastructure costs to each of your tenants. You might have to do a bit of extra work to aggregate these costs into a unified experience, but the effort to assemble this cost data should be relatively straightforward.

In Figure 3-5, I’ve provided a view of an account-per-tenant architecture. Here, you’ll see that I’ve shown two full stack siloed tenant environments. These environments are mirror images, configured as clones that are running the exact same infrastructure and application services. When any updates are applied, they are applied universally to all tenant accounts.

Figure 3-5. The account-per-tenant full stack silo model

Remaining Aligned on Full Stack Silo Mindset

Before I move on to any new deployment models, it’s essential that we align on some key principles in the full stack silo. For some, the allure of the full stack silo model can be appealing because it can feel like it opens (or re-opens) the door for SaaS providers to offer one-off customization to their tenants. While it’s true that the full stack silo model offers dedicated resources, this should never be viewed as an opportunity to fall back to the world of per-tenant customization. The full stack silo only exists to accommodate domain, compliance, tiering, and any other business realities that might warrant the use of a full stack silo model.

In all respects, a full stack silo environment is treated the same as a pooled environment. Whenever new features are released, they are deployed to all customers. If your infrastructure configuration needs to be changed, that change should be applied to all of your siloed environments. If you have policies for scaling or other run-time behaviors, they are applied based on tenant tiers. You should never have a policy which is applied to an individual tenant. The whole point of SaaS is that we are trying to achieve agility, innovation, scale, and efficiency through our ability to manage and operate our tenants collectively. Any drift toward a one-off model will slowly take you away from those SaaS goals. In some cases, organizations that moved to SaaS to maximize efficiency will end up regressing through one-off customizations that undermine much of the value they hoped to get out of a true SaaS model.

The guidance I always offer to drive this point home centers around how you arrive at a full stack silo model. I tell teams that–even if you’re targeting a full stack silo as your starting point–you should build your solution as if it were going to be a full stack pooled model. Then, treat each full stack silo as an instance of your pooled environment that happens to have a single tenant. This serves as a forcing function that allows the full stack siloed environments to inherit the same values that are applied to a full stack pool (which we’re covering next).

The Full Stack Pool Model

The full stack pool model, as its name suggests, represents a complete shift from the full stack silo mindset and mechanisms we’ve been exploring. With the full stack pool model, we’ll now look at SaaS environments where all of the resources for our tenants are running in a shared infrastructure model.

For many, the profile of a fully pooled environment maps to their classic notion of multi-tenancy. It’s here where the focus is squarely on achieving economies of scale, operational efficiencies, cost benefits, and a simpler management profile that are the natural byproducts of a shared infrastructure model. The more we are able to share infrastructure resources, the more opportunities we have to align the consumption of those resources with the activity of our tenants. At the same time, these added efficiencies also introduce a range of new challenges.

Figure 3-7 provides a conceptual view of the full stack silo model. You’ll see that I’ve still included that control plane here just to make it clear that the control plane is a constant across any SaaS model. On the left of the diagram is the application plane, which now has a collection of application services that are shared by all tenants. The tenants shown at the top of the application plane are all accessing and invoking operations on the application microservices and infrastructure.

Figure 3-7. A full stack pooled model

Now, within this pool model, tenant context plays a much bigger role. In the full stack silo model, tenant context was primarily used to route tenants to their dedicated stack. Once a tenant lands in a silo, that silo knows that all operations within that silo are associated with a single tenant. With our full stack pool, however, this context is essential to every operation that is performed. Accessing data, logging messages, recording metrics–all of these operations will need to resolve the current tenant context at run-time to successfully complete their task.

Figure 3-8 gives you a better sense of how tenant context touches every dimension of our infrastructure, operations, and implementation are influenced by this tenant context in a pooled model. This conceptual diagram highlights how each microservice must acquire tenant context and apply it as part of its interactions with data, the control plane, and other microservices. You’ll see tenant context being acquired and applied as we send billing events and metrics data to the control plane. You’ll see it injected in your call to downstream microservices. It also shows up in our interaction with data.

Figure 3-8. Tenant context in the full stack pooled environment

The fundamental idea here is that, when we have a pooled resource, that resource belongs to multiple tenants. As a result, tenant context is needed to apply scope and context to each operation at run-time.

Now, to be fair, tenant context is valid across all SaaS deployment models. Silo still needs tenant context as well. What’s different here is that the silo model knows its binding to the tenant at the moment it’s provisioned and deployed. So, for example, I could associate an environment variable as the tenant context for a siloed resource (since its relationship to the tenant does not change at run-time). However, a pooled resource is provisioned and deployed for all tenants and, as such, it must resolve its tenant context based on the nature of each request it processes.

As we dig deeper into more multi-tenant implementation details, we’ll discover that these differences between silo and pool models can have a profound impact on how we architect, deploy, manage, and build the elements of our SaaS environment.

Full Stack Pool Considerations

The full stack pool model also comes with a set of considerations that might influence how/if you choose to adopt this model. In many respects, the considerations for the full stack pool model are the natural inverse of the full stack silo model. Full stack pool certainly has strengths that are appealing to many SaaS providers. It also presents a set of challenges that come with having shared infrastructure. The sections that follow highlight these considerations.


Our goal in multi-tenant environments is to do everything we can to align infrastructure consumption with tenant activity. In an ideal scenario, your system would, at a given moment in time, only have enough resources allocated to accommodate the current load being imposed by tenants. There would be zero over-provisioned resources. This would let the business optimize margins and ensure that the addition of new tenants would not drive a spike in costs that could undermine the bottom line of the business.

This is the dream of the full stack pooled model. If your design was somehow able to fully optimize the scaling policies of your underlying infrastructure in a full stack pool, you would have achieved multi-tenant nirvana. This is not practical or realistic, but it is the mindset that often surrounds the full stack pooled model. The reality, however, is that creating a solid scaling strategy for a full stack pooled environment is very challenging. The loads of tenants are often constantly changing and new tenants may be arriving every day. So, the scaling strategy that worked yesterday, may not work today. What typically happens here is teams will accept some degree of over-provisioning to account for this continually shifting target.

The technology stack you choose here can also have a significant impact on the scaling dynamics of your full stack pool environment. In Chapter 12 we’ll look at a serverless SaaS architecture and get a closer look at how using serverless technologies can simplify your scale story and achieve better alignment between infrastructure consumption and tenant activity.

The key theme here is that, while there are significant scaling advantages to be had in a full stack pooled model, the effort to make this scaling a reality can be challenging to fully realize. You’ll definitely need to work hard to craft a scaling strategy that can optimize resource utilization without impacting tenant experience.


In a full stack siloed model, isolation is a very straightforward process. When resources run in a dedicated model, you have a natural set of constructs that allow you to ensure that one tenant cannot access the resources of another tenant. However, when you start using pooled resources, your isolation story tends to get more complicated. How do you isolate a resource that is shared by multiple tenants? How is isolation realized and applied across all the different resource types and infrastructure services that are part of your multi-tenant architecture? In Chapter 10, we’ll dig into the strategies that are used to address these isolation nuances. However, it’s important to note that, as part of adopting a full stack pool model, you will be faced with a range of new isolation considerations that may influence your design and architecture. The assumption here is that the economies of scale and efficiencies of the pooled model offset any of the added overhead and complexity associated with isolating pooled resources.

Availability and Blast Radius

In many respects, a full stack pool model represents an all-in commitment to a model that places all the tenants of your business into a shared experience. Any outage or issues that were to show up in a full stack pool environment are likely to impact all of your customers and could potentially damage the reputation of your SaaS business. There are examples across the industry of SaaS organizations that have had service outages that created a flurry of social media outcry and negative press that had a lasting impact on these businesses.

As you consider adopting a full-stack pool model, you need to understand that you’re committing to a higher DevOps, testing, and availability bar that makes every effort to ensure that your system can prevent, detect, and rapidly recover from any potential outage. It’s true that every team should have a high bar for availability. However, the risk and impact of any outage in a full stack pool environment demands a greater focus on ensuring that your team can deliver a zero downtime experience. This includes adopting best-of-breed CI/CD strategies that allow you to release and rollback new features on a regular basis without impacting the stability of your solution.

Generally, you’ll see full stack pool teams leaning into fault tolerant strategies that allow their microservices and components to limit the blast radius of localized issues. Here, you’ll see greater application of asynchronous interactions between services, fallback strategies, and bulkhead patterns being used to localize and manage potential microservice outages. Operational tooling that can proactively identify and apply policies here is also essential in a full stack pool environment.

It’s worth noting that these strategies apply to any and all SaaS deployment models. However, the impact of getting this wrong in a full stack pool environment can be much more significant for a SaaS business.

Noisy Neighbor

Full stack pooled environments rely on carefully orchestrated scaling policies that ensure that your system will effectively add and remove capacity based on the consumption activity of your tenants. The shifting needs of tenants along with the potential influx of new tenants means that the scaling policies you have today may not apply tomorrow. While teams can take measures to try and anticipate these tenant activity trends, many teams find themselves over-provisioning resources that create the cushion needed to handle the spikes that may not be effectively addressed through your scaling strategies.

Every multi-tenant system must employ strategies that will allow them to anticipate spikes and address what is referred to as noisy neighbor conditions. However, noisy neighbor takes on added weight in full stack pooled environments. Here, where essentially everything is shared, the potential for noisy neighbor conditions is much higher. You must be especially careful with the sizing and scaling profile of your resources since everything must be able to react successfully to shifts in tenant consumption activity. This means accounting for and building defensive tactics to ensure that one tenant isn’t saturating your system and impacting the experience of other tenants.

Cost Attribution

Associating and tracking costs at the tenant level is a much more challenging proposition in a full stack pooled environment. While many environments give you tools to map tenants to specific infrastructure resources, they don’t typically support mechanisms that allow you to attribute consumption to the individual tenants that are consuming a shared resource. For example, if three tenants are consuming a compute resource in a multi-tenant setting, I won’t typically have access to tools or mechanisms that would let me determine what percentage of that resource was consumed by each tenant at a given moment in time. We’ll get into this challenge in more detail in Chapter 14. The main point here is that, with the efficiency of a full stack pooled model also comes new challenges around understanding the cost footprint of individual tenants.

Operational Simplification

I’ve talked about this need for a single pane of glass that provides a unified operational and management view of your multi-tenant environment. Building this operational experience requires teams to ingest metrics, logs, and other data that can be surfaced in this centralized experience. Creating these operational experiences in a full stack pooled environment tends to be a simpler experience. Here, where all tenants are running in shared infrastructure, I can more easily assemble an aggregate view of my multi-tenant environment. There’s no need to connect with one-off tenant infrastructure and create paths for each of those tenant-specific resources to publish data to some aggregation mechanism. Deployment is also simpler in the full stack pooled environment. Releasing a new version of a microservice simply means deploying one instance of that service to the pooled environment. Once it’s deployed all tenants are now running on the new version.