Picking a Deployment Model

Understanding the value proposition of each deployment model is helpful. However, selecting a deployment model goes beyond evaluating the characteristics of any one model. When you sit down to figure out which deployment model is going to best for your application and business, you’ll often have to weigh a wide spectrum of parameters that will inform your deployment selection process.

In some cases, the state of your current solution (if you’re migrating) might have a huge impact on the deployment model you choose. A SaaS migration can often be more about finding a target deployment model that lets you get to SaaS without rebuilding your entire solution. Time to market, competitive pressures, legacy technology considerations, and team makeup are also factors that could represent significant variables in a SaaS migration story. Each of these factors would likely shape the selection of a deployment model.

Obviously, teams that are building a new SaaS solution have more of a blank canvas to work with. Here, the deployment model that you choose is probably more driven by the target personas and experience that you’re hoping to achieve with your multi-tenant offering. The challenge here is selecting a deployment model that balances the near- and long-term goals of the business. Selecting a model that is too narrowly focused on a near-term experience could limit growth as your business hits critical mass. At the same time, over-rotating to a deployment model that reaches too far beyond the needs of current customers may represent pre-optimization. It’s certainly a tough balancing act to find the right blend of flexibility and focus here (a classic challenge for most architects and builders).

No matter where you start your path to SaaS, there are certainly some broader global factors that will influence your deployment model selection. Packaging, tiering, and pricing goals, for example, often play a key role in determining which deployment model(s) might best fit with your business goals. Cost and operational efficiency are also part of the deployment model puzzle. While every solution would like to be as cost and operationally efficient as possible, each business may be facing realities that can impact their deployment model preferences. If your business has very tight margins, you might lean more toward deployment models that squeeze every last bit of cost efficiency out of your deployment model. Others may be facing challenging compliance and/or performance considerations that might lead to deployment models that strike a balance between cost and customer demands.

These are just some simple examples that are part of the fundamental thought process you’ll go through as part of figuring out which deployment model will address the core needs of your business. As I get deeper into the details of multi-tenant architecture patterns, you’ll see more and more places where the nuances of multi-tenant architecture strategies will end up adding more dimensions to the deployment model picture. This will also give you a better sense of how the differences in these models might influence the complexity of your underlying solution. The nature of each deployment model can move the complexity from one area of our system to another.

The key here is that you should not be looking for a one-size-fits-all deployment model for your application. Instead, you should start with the needs of your domain, customers, and business and work backward to the combination of requirements that will point you toward the deployment model that fits with your current and aspirational goals.

It’s also important to note that the deployment model of your SaaS environment is expected to be evolving. Yes, you’ll likely have some core aspects of your architecture that will remain fairly constant. However, you should also expect and be looking for ways to refine your deployment model based on the changing/emerging needs of customers, shifts in the market, and new business strategies. Worry less about getting it right on day one and just expect that you’ll be using data from your environment to find opportunities to refactor your deployment model. A resource that started out as a dedicated resource, might end up switched to a shared resource based on consumption, scaling, and cost considerations. A new tier might have you offering some parts of your system in a dedicated model. Being data driven and adaptable are all part of the multi-tenant technical experience.

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